Would you buy a book by me? Most said it depends. Depends on what?

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praedatorius's avatar
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tarquiniuss's avatar
Well, subject. First off, your writing is very good, characterization excellent, and your diabolical mind is a pleasure to watch in operation. But if I'm not interested in the subject, I won't buy a book.

I have no interest in transgender, ponies, inflation, or some of your other subjects. I have no objection, I'm just not going to buy any of it.

Beyond that, in areas I AM interested in - pregnancy, female weight gain, BE, lactation - I (personally) have a strong liking for the realistic and ESPECIALLY the time-realistic. Fast/ridiculous growth can be done well, and occasionally I like it, but to me that kind of thing pales quickly. A close second in my preferences, is realistically addressing the WEIGHT of these kinds of development. I've been on intimate terms with fat girls, pregnant women, and bosomy girls. Believe me, the fat girls get out of breath climbing stairs or walking far, the pregnant ones talk about how hard it is to get around, and the topheavy girls groan endlessly about how uncomfortable it is to lug those heavy breasts around all day. These are pretty-normal women; so to read a story with a really-big girl just walking around with no discernible effect from her hugeness and gross weight, to me is not interesting.

To me, these factors are even more important (critically important) in a long, book-length work. I strongly feel realism is the only way to do it well when size/growth is addressed at length (not necessarily a lot of TIME, greater word-length even if it's only a short time SPAN has the same requirement) and keep it interesting.

So I'd jump at a book-length praedatorius on one/several of those subjects, addressed with (mostly) realism. Since it's you and the writing would be excellent, I'd also give it a lot of leeway in applying my standards. 

Regardless of whether you decide to do something I'd be interested in, I really sincerely wish you the best in any effort of this kind. There's so little really good writing out there, I really hope you feel inspired to do a book on something that interests you.   I'll be happy for the readers who like it, and if I'm one of them, I'll be buying it.

Keep us posted, thanks for the wonderful short stories and series, andf good luck.