
Learning to Play Nice - Part 2

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Mrs. Jacobs sat in her chair, rocking back and forth as she considered getting some work done. There was paperwork to do, and maybe she could've planned for tomorrow's lesson so she wouldn't have to do it tonight. Maybe she could've straightened out her desk, cleaned up the extra bits of clay lying on the floor, or put away the toys that lay scattered in the far corner of the room (the students would always forgot to clean up that area). Mrs. Jacobs considered doing all of those things, but in the end she decided to keep rocking in her chair and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Besides, Mrs. Jacobs reasoned, moving around might cause too much noise, and little children needed their rest. Scattered about the room, resting on their tiny mats, were 15 sleeping kindergarteners. Some were curled into balls on their side, and some had unknowingly stuck their thumbs in their mouths and began sucking away. Others just lay there with little streams of drool streaming down their cute, chubby cheeks. Mrs. Jacobs smiled as she sat back and listened to their quiet snoring, knowing that this was what her job was all about.

What pleased Mrs. Jacobs the most was the fact that her newest student, Allison Bradley, was sleeping right next to her. It had taken a lot of effort to put Allison to sleep, but tiring out little children was Mrs. Jacobs's specialty. After story time Mrs. Jacobs launched into that day's lesson: shapes. Allison folded her arms and refused to follow along, but she didn't have long to be stubborn. Mrs. Jacobs finished the lesson and let the kids play with clay, giving them each a handful to model and squish as they pleased. As expected, Allison hurled her lump of clay down on the table in protest. However, when she noticed the squishy pancake shape she had accidentally made, Allison was intrigued. She started smashing the clay with her hand and got some of the other students to join in.

Then Mrs. Jacobs let the kids have free time: they could play with whatever they wanted. She steered Allison towards two girls named Kylie and Samantha, who were playing with blocks. Soon all three were busy building a tower, and Kylie and Samantha were amazed at how high Allison could stack blocks. After that came more coloring, exercise time, and so many other activities that by nap time all of the children were yawning uncontrollably. Allison lined up to take her sleeping mat, and in a minute or so she was out like a light, sleeping like a little angel.
Enjoying the silence, Mrs. Jacobs wondered if she had time for a nap herself. She took a look at the clock, then realized that she had let the kids oversleep! She had to wake them up for snack time, and let them eat before their parents showed up. Quickly Mrs. Jacobs hopped out of her chair and tiptoed over to Allison.

"Allison. Allison, time to wake up, honey."

Allison rolled onto her back and yawned. She stretched her arms and blinked sleepily. "Where am I?"

"It's okay, Allison, you're in class, remember? I'm Mrs. Jacobs, your teacher."

Allison looked around in disbelief, then started to remember. "I thought that was a dweam! I wanna go home!"

"Shh! It's alright, you will go home soon. Just be quiet while I wake up the other boys and girls, okay?" Mrs. Jacobs then left and started waking up the other students. Allison still wasn't happy, but at least she would be going home soon.

Allison didn't have a snack with her, but Mrs. Jacobs encouraged the other students to share their food whenever someone didn't have any. Soon the boy next to Allison quietly offered her some of his orange. Ordinarily Allison wouldn't have accepted hand-outs from doody-headed kindergarteners, but her tummy was starting to grumble, so she grudgingly accepted the orange.

Mrs. Jacobs was right behind her when she started eating. "What do you say when somebody gives you something, Allison?"

Allison just grunted impatiently as she stuffed the orange into her mouth. Shaking her head, Mrs. Jacobs decided to set the example. "Thank you, Jeffrey, for being nice and giving Allison a piece of your orange. I'm sure she's really happy…" Mrs. Jacobs paused to give Allison a look of disappointment, "…and appreciates it."

'Stupid Jeffwy, and stupid Mrs. Jacobs! Why do I hafta be nice all the time? No one's nice to me.'

Soon it was time to go. One by one mommies and daddies showed up at the door to pick up their children. The room gradually cleared out until it was only Allison and Mrs. Jacobs left. Mrs. Jacobs had given Allison some crayons and paper to work with while she straightened up the room and got ready to leave.

"Allison, do you need to use the bathroom before you leave?"

"No!" Allison was determined not to let anyone take her to the bathroom again. She held in her business all afternoon, even when the little kids started whining for bathroom breaks in the middle of class. She didn't need to go to the bathroom until she said so, and no matter how much she had to potty she would not give in. Allison could still prove that she was a big girl. Allison continued coloring, starting to get a hang of staying within the lines, when suddenly she heard an all-too-familiar sound.

Allison turned towards the opened door and listened. It was a faint sound, coming from far down the hall but getting closer every second: the sound of two-high heeled shoes walking down the corridor. Everyone once in a while they would stop and a door would open. Then, a familiar voice would ask, "Everything go well today? Did the students give you trouble?"

Soon the footsteps got even closer, stopping at the next door in the hall. As the voice got closer and Allison recognized it, she stood up and started to back away from the door. Mrs. Jacobs noticed that something was up when she looked at Allison and saw that her eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

"What's wrong, Allison? Are you okay?" Mrs. Jacobs looked a little worried, and no wonder: Allison was shaking like a leaf. Steadily Allison backed up, searching for some place to hide. Quickly she ducked behind a bookcase. Mrs. Jacobs was about to follow her and see what was wrong, but she was soon interrupted by a clear, impatient voice.

"I trust everything went well today?" Mrs. Mars stood in the door, her hands behind her back. Her dark grey suit seemed stiff and uncomfortable to Allison this morning, but now it made Mrs. Mars seem shadowy and humongous! Mrs. Jacobs walked right up to her though. 'She must be weally bwave.' Allison marveled.

"How are you today, Mrs. Mars? I was hoping I would get to see you today."

Allison peeked a little bit to watch as they talked in low voices, not understanding what they were saying. Occasionally Allison thought that she heard them speak her name, Mrs. Jacobs would look in Allison's direction with a confused expression on her face. Allison didn't like that. Allison did her best to stay out of sight so that she didn't fall under Mrs. Mars stern, angry gaze, but she kept trying to listen, wondering what they were both talking about. She hoped that Mrs. Mars wouldn't yell at her again. "Go 'way." Allison whispered over and over again. 'Just go 'way so I can color again.'

"No, of course not. Allison!" Mrs. Jacobs turned to Allison, still a little confused, and saw that she was hiding behind the bookshelves. "Allison, your mommy's here to pick you up. Are you ready to go home?"

Now Allison was confused. Her mommy wasn't here. Why would Mrs. Jacobs say that. Her question was then answered in the most horrifying way possible as Mrs. Mars kneeled down. "That's right, Allison." She opened wide her arms. "Come to mommy; we have to go home now."

Allison let out a whimper and ducked behind the bookshelf again, resolved never to emerge. Mrs. Jacobs walked around the shelf and was surprised to find Allison curled up in the corner with her head down. Never had she ever seen a student so reluctant to leave her classroom. Mostly they didn't want to come in.

"Allison, what's wrong? Don't you want to go home?" Allison shook her head and refused to look up.

"Allison, I know that all of this is tough to adjust to, but it's okay. Mrs. Mars isn't that bad, really!"

"No! I don't wanna go wif her! She's not my mommy!"

"Yes she is, honey. She's your new mommy, and she's going to take you home. She'll take care of you until you grow up again."


"Allison, please get up."


"I need you to get up now. I'd really like it if you could help me send you home!"

"No, I hate yoo! I'm not doing anything for yoo anymore, you big bitch!"

Mrs. Jacobs gasped. "That's enough out of you, young lady!" She grabbed Allison's arm and tried pull her towards the door, but even with her kindergarten-age strength Allison wriggled free. Mrs. Jacobs reached for her again, but Allison took off, screaming at the top of her lungs. Mrs. Jacobs chased Allison around the room as she weaved between the chairs and crawled under the tables, frantically trying to escape. She did her best to keep up, surprised the even at this age Allison was able to run so quickly. Mrs. Mars soon joined in the chase, threatening horrible things if Allison didn't stop.

"Young lady! I'm going to give you a long, hard spanking if you don't stop this instant!"

When Allison heard that she stated running even faster, sobbing and blubbering all the way. They ran in circles around the room until both adults were out of breath. Then finally, Mrs. Jacobs saw their chance as Allison hid in the area where the changing station was. It was behind a very long bookshelf, and if she and Mrs. Mars could walk behind it at different ends, she explained, Allison would have no way to get out.

Huffing and puffing, Mrs. Mars agreed. They stood at different ends of the bookshelf and walked behind it. Allison was trying to catch her breath between sobs when she saw Mrs. Jacobs come around the corner. She ran the other way, but when she saw Mrs. Mars she screamed and made a quick about-face. Mrs. Jacobs was waiting, arms outstretched to catch her, but Allison was not deterred. She ran right up to Mrs. Jacobs and pulled her leg back, winding up for a big kick. Mrs. Jacobs did not quite realize what was happening until she felt Allison's foot, encased in her cute, pink sneaker, smashing into her knee.

"Ow, ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu----!" Mrs. Jacobs struggled to contain her anger as Allison tore past her. Mrs. Mars kept up the chase, shouting further threats that only made Allison scream more loudly.

"I've had enough of this!" Mrs. Jacobs pulled out her crystal, held it in front of her eyes, and concentrated. She knew just what this bad girl needed.

Allison was still running, trying her best to evade Mrs. Mars, when without reason she started slowing down. She was running as fast as she could, but her legs just couldn't keep up anymore. They felt shaky and weak, as if she hadn't walked in ages. Allison tried to move faster, knowing all too well that Mrs. Mars was only a few feet behind her. However, her stride had grown more awkward and stiff. She was now rocking back and forth with each little step: holding her arms out to her sides to make sure that she didn't lose her balance. She tried to run around a table, but as she turned Allison nearly lost her balance. She had to take baby-steps to get around the table, but she was moving too slowly. Mrs. Mars was catching up with her; she had to move faster! Allison tried to take one big step, but when her foot met the ground her feet were too wide apart. She teetered back and forth, one of her knees buckled, and she fell backwards.

Allison landed on something soft. She was so surprised that she actually stopped crying, then lifted up her skirt, wondering what she had landed on. As it turned out, she was wearing it. The thin, big-girl training panties had morphed into something much thicker: diapers. These weren't even disguised like her training pants; they were huge. Allison was so thickly padded she didn't even feel like she was on the ground. Disgusted, Allison tried to pull it off, but she was interrupted by a pair of big, soft arms wrapping around her waist.
"Now I have you." Allison looked up. If she seemed big before, now Mrs. Mars seemed like a giant: mean, ill-tempered, and ready to devour her. Allison's lip started quivering, and she let out a long, frightened howl. Mrs. Mars ignored Allison, who found herself zooming into the air as Mrs. Mars picked her up and held her against her shoulder. Allison squirmed, trying to push away as Mrs. Mars patted her back and supported her bottom, but she could not get free.

"Thanks, Mrs. Jacobs. I assure you that this will not happen again."

Out of breath, Mrs. Jacobs put her crystal away. "No problem; I've chased children around before. Have a good ride home."

Mrs. Mars was about to leave, but Allison wouldn't stop struggling. She had been regressed even further, down to toddler-age, but Mrs. Jacobs was still impressed by the fight she was putting up with her weakened body.

"Allison! Stop struggling so I can hold on!"

"No! Yoor not my mommy, I hate yoo!"

"Stop that this instant! You hear me? Stop it!"

Allison, however, kept wailing, certain that if she left the room with Mrs. Mars something horrible would happen. The angry look on Mrs. Mars face did nothing to reassure her, and she just kept crying. She turned to Mrs. Jacobs and reached out her arms, hoping she would save her, but Mrs. Jacobs shook her head and insisted that she go home with her "mommy". Fed up, Mrs. Mars grabbed Allison chin's and turned her face towards her own.
"Listen to me!" Mrs. Mars growled through her clenched teeth. Allison grew quiet as she stared into Mrs. Mars's blazing eyes, afraid to make another noise. Even Mrs. Jacobs winced when she saw the look on her face.

"Mommy had a really bad day today, and I don't have time for your stupid whining! You'd better quit it right now, or I'm going to pull down your diaper right now and give you the biggest spanking you've ever had! You understand?"

Tears streaming down her cheeks, her face red from screaming, Allison nodded. She went still, afraid to move lest it make Mrs. Mars angrier. Sensing that Allison would behave, Mrs. Mars quickly left the room.

Mrs. Jacobs could now take a rest and wonder what had happened. Reality could bend in strange ways when using the crystal, but she didn't expect something like this would happen. Someone had to be Allison's mommy, usually someone with strong emotional ties to the regressed person. Who would have guessed it would be Mrs. Mars? They certainly didn't seem very close. 'Then again,' Mrs. Jacobs considered, '…strong emotions don't always have to be pleasant ones.'

Allison did not give Mrs. Mars any trouble on their way to the car, nor did she resist when she was buckled into her adult-sized car seat. When Mrs. Mars pulled out of the parking lot she repeated her threat from before.

"If you don't behave yourself while Mommy is driving, I'll give you that spanking: I promise!"

Allison sniffed sadly in reply. She watched nervously as the car left the familiar neighborhood she used to drive through herself. The roads became less and less familiar as Allison rode in the exact opposite direction of her home. Mrs. Mars took her through unknown highways, past unseen buildings and houses. Gradually the houses and buildings became more and more numerous until Allison became aware that they were now in the city. The sidewalks were crowded with glum-looking people, and Allison jumped at the sound of car horns blaring at every intersection. Mrs. Mars stuck her own head out the window and shouted at someone who cut her off. Allison said nothing, but sunk back into her big baby seat, hoping not to draw Mrs. Mars attention.

Unfortunately, there was a problem. She had been too scared to notice before, but after sitting in the car for a long time Allison realized that she had to go to the bathroom. She hadn't said anything because she was afraid, but now she felt like she was going to wet herself. 'Come on, Allison! You've been alright so far. You're a big girl; hold it in!' Allison crossed her arms, trying to transfer all of her stubbornness her bladder. When was determined to stay an adult, no matter how young she acted. Not only that, but she was sure that if Mrs. Mars found out that Allison wet herself, she would be spanked for sure. For Allison, keeping her diapers dry was now a matter of life or death.

Finally they arrived at a brick apartment building. Mrs. Mars's parked in the garage and unbuckled Allison's seat.

"You'd better not start kicking a screaming again. Mommy doesn't like that."

Allison nodded obediently and didn't move a muscle as Mrs. Mars carried her to the elevator, nor did she struggle when Mrs. Mars searched her purse for the apartment key. Once inside, Allison looked all around the huge apartment. As Mrs. Mars was carried her into her room, Allison caught a glimpse of what looked like a bathroom around the corner.
Mrs. Mars laid Allison down inside of a big playpen, adult-sized, just for her. "Now, you stay here Allison. Mommy has to do some things, so please, just go to sleep until dinner, alright?" With that Mrs. Mars hurried out of sight.

Scared though she was, Allison would not keep still. The pressure in her bladder was getting worse by the minute, and she had to get to the bathroom before she wet herself. Her bladder control was nothing now that she was a mental toddler, but if she could just get to the toilet she could survive for another day. She stood up in her playpen. The walls were not too high, so if she could only lift her legs high enough, she might be able to crawl out of it. It was difficult, but putting all of her big girl effort into it, Allison succeeded in getting a leg over the playpen wall.

'Yes! Now da othah weg.' This was slightly easier than lifting the first leg, but Allison had forgotten that she had the sense of balance of a two-year-old. When the second leg sat atop the wall Allison suddenly teetered out of the playpen, but fortunately landing bottom-first, thus managing a cushioned landing. Allison was thankful for once that she was wearing a diaper.

However, Allison had no time to dwell on her good-fortune. She silently crawled towards the bedroom door, then stood up to open it. No one was outside, so Allison tiptoed towards the bathroom. She entered and pushed the door open as quietly as possible. She was alone. "Now I jus' gotta puwl down my diapee and sit on da toy-wet." Allison stood before the toilet and, feeling confident, she started pulling on her diaper, ready to tear it off completely. "Gud widdence!"

However, that was more easily said than done. Allison tugged and tugged at her diaper, but it wouldn't come off. She couldn't pull it down because it was so tight, and whenever she would wiggle her hips to try and slip out of it she nearly lost her balance. She started to hurry, knowing that if she didn't get on the toilet soon she would soil herself. "Come awf! Come awf! Why won' yoo come awf?" Allison didn't think to pull at the sticky tabs on the sides.

Suddenly Allison heard footsteps outside, along with the sound of Mrs. Mars's voice. Allison froze. As soon as Mrs. Mars found out that she was gone, she would be really, really mad. She had to hide! Quickly Allison climbed into the bathtub and huddled down. Soon she heard Mrs. Mars shout, "Allison! Where are you?! If you don't come out in the next five seconds, you're going to be in a lot of trouble!"

Allison heard Mrs. Mars stomp through the apartment, looking through what few rooms there were, opening and slamming doors and calling out her name. She cowered in the bathtub, not daring to say a word, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before Mrs. Mars found her. 'What'm I gonna do? What'm I gonna do?' Then she heard a loud knock on the door.

"Allison! I know you're in there. Come out here right this instant!"

The fear wastoo much for Allison, however. In an instant, everything Allison had been holding in suddenly slipped out. Allison didn't notice it at first, but she quickly realized that her diapers felt really warm. Then came the unmistakable smell.

Allison had been angry and upset all day, from being assigned to work with kindergarteners, the having her mind regressed to that of a little girl, and then finding out that Mrs. Mars was her mommy, but those were nothing compared to this. Now Allison was angry at herself: a big, stupid, diaper-wearing baby. Nothing could bring her back from this new low. Though Allison had refrained from crying for a long time, she saw no reason to hold in tears any longer.

Mrs. Mars was standing over her now, a disappointed look on her face. "What's the matter now?"

Allison was too sad and frightened to answer. Mrs. Mars picked her up again looking tired and impatient. She opened her mouth, ready to scold Allison once more, but suddenly she held back. Her nose was twitching as she too detected the familiar smell of a soiled diaper. A quick sniff of Allison's bottom confirmed her suspicions.

Allison whined once more as Mrs. Mars carried her back to the bedroom. 'I'm gonna get spanked fowa wettin' my diapees!' Allison closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. However, the next thing she knew she felt herself being laid down on her back, resting quietly on a padded table.

Allison opened her eyes to see Mrs. Mars standing over her again, still gigantic and that frown still etched into her face, but the look in her eyes had changed. They looked softer, understanding, and more tranquil than before. Nervously Allison's tired limbs flailed ineffectually, and she started whimpering again. Calmly, silently, Mrs. Mars reached over , picking up a small pacifier and placing it firmly in Allison's mouth. To her surprise, Allison began sucking on it. Her mouth felt tired and hot from crying all day. Now, sucking on this strange piece of rubber was strangely soothing. Allison stopped moving her arms and legs and relaxed. Nodding, Mrs. Mars got to work.

Lifting up Allison's skirt, which looked a lot more babyish than Allison remembered, Mrs. Mars started to undo Allison's diaper. Though soothed by the pacifier, Allison kept a worried eye on Mrs. Mars at all times. Once she realized that Mrs. Mars was about to take the diaper off Allison grew really embarrassed. Her adult mind taking over again, she squirmed at the thought of her boss seeing her naked, soiled bottom. She stirred on the table, her moaning muffled the pacifier she didn't want to spit out. Mrs. Mars reached over to stroke Allison's hair.

"It's alright, baby. I'm just going to clean you up now."

Slowly Mrs. Mars peeled back the diaper, and the cloud of stink became unbearable. Allison started to sob again, but Mrs. Mars quickly calmed her down. "Hush now, just stay still for a little longer." Making a face, Mrs. Mars rolled the filthy diaper into a ball and dropped it into a nearby diaper pail. Allison was relieved to see it gone. She had been wearing training panties all day, and it was nice to feel the fresh air on her soft baby-bottom.

Then Allison detected a new scent: something unusual, but somehow familiar. Mrs. Mars was pulling a diaper wipe out of a nearby box. It's scent soon overpowered any of the lingering stink left over from the diaper. That was nothing, however, compared to the feeling of that wipe against her skin. It tickled as Mrs. Mars ran the cool cloth over Allison's sensitive parts, wiping away all of the residue of Allison's accident. Soon all of the warm, itchy wetness was gone, replaced by a dry, clean feeling perfumed with disinfectant. After being dusted with a layer of soft, dry baby powder Allison was fitted with a snug, new diaper.

"Well, that's done."

That was it. Allison looked down at her new diaper in disbelief. The dirtiness, the shame, the embarrassment: all of it was gone, just as if it had never happened. She would have marveled at her new diaper further, but Mrs. Mars suddenly scooped Allison up into arms and sat down on a rocking chair in the corner. There they sat: Mrs. Mars stroking Allison's hair, and Allison looking up in confusion at the woman she had feared for so long.

Allison didn't know what to do. She appreciated that Mrs. Mars changed her, and she liked it when she stroked her hair, but she didn't understand what was going on anymore. Allison hadn't noticed this before, but Mrs. Mars clothes were different. She had replaced her dark-gray suit with a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt. It was very weird, actually. Allison had never envisioned Mrs. Mars wearing anything besides the cold, stiff suits she wore to work. Now that she was bundled in her arms, though, Allison was glad that Mrs. Mars had changed out of it. Snuggling a little closer, Allison could feel the warmth of Mrs. Mars's body through the thin shirt.

Mrs. Mars felt Allison move in a little closer, and then the scowl she had been wearing for hours finally disappeared. She still wasn't smiling, but this development gave Allison the courage to ask a question that had been weighing on her mind. "Awr yoo gonna spank me fowa wettin' my diapee?"

"No honey, I'm not going to spank you. Why did you think I would do that?"

"'Cause yoo wuh yewwin' so much. I thought you wuh mad at me."

Mrs. Mars squeezed Allison a little tighter. "I'm sorry for yelling so much, baby. I wasn's mad at you. Mommy had a really bad day today, and sometimes people say things that make Mommy really mad. Then when you ran away from me in the school, Mommy got really sad."

"Weally sad?"

"Yeah, really sad." Mrs. Mars started rocking Allison back and forth, which Allison like a lot. She turned her head and snuggled into Mrs. Mars body. She felt quite warm now that that thick suit was gone.

"That's why Mommy yelled so much today, but don't worry, Allison. Mommy still loves you so much." Mrs. Mars kept stroking Allison's hair as they rocked in the chair.

"Mommy, when yoo yewwed I got sad too."

"You did? I'm sorry, sweetie. I won't ever do it again."


"I promise." Then Mrs. Mars planted a big wet kiss on Allison's lips that made her giggle. "In fact, do you know what makes me happy?"


"Come on, I'll show you in the kitchen." Mrs. Mars helped Allison down off of her lap and held her hand as they walked to the cramped apartment kitchen. She watched with mounting curiosity as Mrs. Mars picked up a jar off of the refrigerator and dug her hand inside, pulling out two big chocolate chip cookies. Allison's eyes grew wider than ever. Was Mrs. Mars going to give one of those cookies to her? Quickly she folded her hands and stood up straight like a good little girl so she would get one.

"Oh? Are you being a good girl now?" Allison nodded her head eagerly.

"Are you sure that you want a cookie? I don't think you're going to like them."

"I do wike cook-ees!"

"I don't know." Mrs. Mars teased further. "I think I should eat both of these myself." Slowly she lifted the cookies up to her wide-open mouth, ready to chomp down on them both.

"Nooooooo! Mom-eeeeeeeee!" Allison toddled right up to Mrs. Mars and wrapped her clumsy arms around her. "Pwease gimme cook-ees! Pwease! Pwease, pwease, pwease, pweeeeese!"

Mrs. Mars chuckled and quietly handed one of the cookies to Allison, who took it in both hands and started toddling out of the kitchen as quickly as possible.


She stopped and turned around slowly.

"What do you say when someone gives you something?"

Allison smiled because she remembered learning this in Mrs. Jacobs's class. "Fank yooo!" Mrs. Mars smiled and in turn thanked Allison for being so polite. She then let Allison go to the living room, and began munching on her own cookie.

Allison held the cookie close to her chest as she wandered, almost without thinking, to a small corner of the living room where there sat a big pile of stuffed animals and toys. Allison sat down, feeling the squish of her diaper padding as it was squeezed between her bottom and the floor. That didn't bother her now, though. All Allison wanted to do was eat her cookie, and that's what she did.

"Dinner time, Allison." Mrs. Mars sat Allison in a big high chair and pushed her up close to the table. Soon Allison was looking at a big mound of spaghetti on her little plate with a big fat meatball on top. Allison clenched her fork in her fist, then hungrily attacked the spaghetti, awkwardly trying to scoop little bits of food into her mouth.
Mrs. Mars quickly saw the results of Allison's efforts: a face smeared with tomato sauce, and lots of noodles on the ground around the chair. "Good try, honey, but let me show you a little trick. Mrs. Mars showed Allison how to twirl the fork in the noodles. "…and then you put it in your mouth like this."

"More!" Allison demanded, opening her mouth wide again for another bite. Mrs. Mars sighed, but smiled as she readied another forkful. She did this until the whole plate was empty, and then got a wet towel to wipe Allison's face.

"You're such a messy baby! What am I going to do with you?" Allison giggled as Mrs. Mars scrubbed her big cheeks.

"Oh, you think that's funny?" Mrs. Mars teased. "Well, what if I clean this part of you?" She poked Allison's tummy, setting off another chain of giggles.

"Oh, I think this part is really dirty. Is your tummy dirty?" Mrs. Mars poked Allison in the stomach a few more times, turning her giggles into peals of laughter. Allison couldn't believe what was happening. Her former boss, the meanest lady she had ever known, was now tickling her to death, and she loved it!

Mrs. Mars was tickling her all over the place, and Allison couldn't stop laughing. She tried to ask Mrs. Mars to stop, but she was laughing so hard she couldn't get another word out. Before she knew it she was whisked out of her high chair and her shirt pulled up. Mrs. Mars held Allison sideways, and quickly blew a big, wet raspberry on her exposed tummy.

Allison nearly went through the roof, letting loose a high-pitched scream that seemed like it would shatter glass. Her arms and her legs flailing, Allison chuckled without letup. Then Mrs. Mars blew another raspberry; Allison was beside herself with joy.

Allison was put to bed in a very large crib dressed in fuzzy, footsie pajamas. It had been a really long time since Allison had worn actual pajamas. The loose comfort of a worn-out t-shirt and some cotton pants were nothing compared to the snug warmth of a one-piece pajama suit. Mrs. Mars tucked Allison in, but Allison wasn't sleepy. As Mrs. Mars turned to walk out of the room, Allison sat up in her crib.

"Wead me uh stowy!"

Mrs. Mars turned, smiling but exhausted. "It's late, Allison. Little girls should go to bed."

"Buh I'm not ty-ewd! Pwease wead tuh me!"

"Not tonight, dear." Mrs. Mars walked back to the crib and eased Allison back down on the mattress. "I read you a story last night, and Mommy doesn't read stories every night. Maybe tomorrow, okay?"

"Buh I can'h sweep wifout uh stowy. A widdle one? Pwease?"

"No, honey; not tonight." Mrs. Mars gave Allison a kiss goodnight and turned out the lights. Allison, however, lifted her head over the bars. "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? Wead me uh stowy." she begged. Over and over she called, asking for a story until finally she heard footsteps outside her door. Mrs. Mars, dressed in her nightgown, defeated, turned on the lights again and pulled a small book out from the bookshelf.

"One story." Mrs. Mars acquiesced. "I'll only read, though, if you lay down and let me tuck you in again."

Quickly Allison lay back on the bed and let Mrs. Mars cover her up. Mrs. Mars sat down in the rocking chair and opened the book. She summoned up her best reading voice and began. "Cecilia loved pillows: big ones, small ones, pink ones, white ones, she loved them all. When she piled them up in the middle of her room, she liked to jump on top of the pile because she thought that it was like sleeping on top of a big, puffy cloud…"

It didn't take Allison long to fall asleep, but Mrs. Mars did not notice. The book dropped out of her hands as she nodded off soon after.
Part two of :iconfoxingtoniii:'s commission.

I want to thank everyone for all of the compliments and comments they left on Part 1. I don't always have time to respond to people's comments, but I want you to know that I always read the comments that you leave on my stories, and I really appreciate them. Thanks for reading,and I hope that you all enjoy Part 2.

This story features mental age regression, an adult baby, and diapers. As usual, enjoy!
© 2011 - 2024 praedatorius
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Mightymidgetem's avatar
Great second chapter. Love the tickling part of the story and I hope Mrs Mars and Allison's relationship grow stronger.